Do you need a high-quality mask or a rapid test for the con you’re attending?

Do you need air filters to clean the air at your room, party, panel, or event?

Do you want to find out if your mask fits you properly, so that you’re getting the best protection?

Would you like to learn more about the current state of the pandemic and what you can do to protect yourself?

Are you a convention or event organizer who wants to know what you can do to keep your guests safe?

Are you looking for a supportive community to discuss public health issues within the fandom?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, we can help!

We are Covid Safe Furs, and we advocate for Covid safety, education, inclusivity, and community support within the furry fandom. Though the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic remains our primary focus, our approach to public health encompasses all airborne diseases that pose risks to our fandom spaces—from Covid, influenza, and norovirus to emerging threats like H5N1, tuberculosis, and measles. Our mission is to help the fandom fight every kind of “con crud”.

At the cons we attend, we offer services such as free N95 masks, free rapid tests, free fit testing, and free air filter lending, in addition to hosting our flagship educational panels. Our approach is to give people the tools and information they need to protect themselves, and to encourage everyone to do what they can, even if it’s not perfect—because every bit helps make our fandom a little safer and a little kinder.

Since 2023, our community has grown to over 100 Covid-conscious furries across the worldwide fandom, united by our Points of Unity and a spirit of mutual support and solidarity. If you care about protecting your own health as well as the health of others, we would love to see you join us in our Telegram chat!