Covid Safe Furs @ BLFC 2024


We’re offering our full range of services at BLFC 2024 this year. Message @yatchi on Telegram, catch him on the con floor, or drop by the panel on Tuesday to access any of these.


Tuesday, October 15, 2024
10:30 amโ€“12:30 pm
Biggest Little Fur Con 2024
Teton Room, Executive Level
Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E 2nd St, Reno, NV 89595

Title: How to REALLY Avoid Con Crud: Illness Prevention for Every Furry

Description: With colds and new Covid variants everywhere, plus emerging nasties like H5N1 around the corner, coming home sick after a con might seem inevitable – but what if it doesn’t have to be this way? Learn how to use masks, tests, air filters, and other new tools to create a strategy that protects yourself and others, whether you’re at a party, in fursuit, or dealing in the den. We’ve got FREE N95 masks and fit testing to help you find your perfect match, FREE Covid tests to help keep you and your friends informed, and demos of DIY air filtration technology to help control both respiratory diseases and flying fur! Help us keep furry a safe and accessible space for all.

Hosts: Yatchi and Juni