Covid Safe Furs @ BLFC 2023

The slides from this panel may be downloaded here (PDF).

Tuesday, October 31, 2023
10:00 amโ€“12:00 pm
Biggest Little Fur Con 2023
Teton Room, Executive Level
Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E 2nd St, Reno, NV 89595

Hosted by: Yatchi (Telegram @yatchi) and Juni


Are you still concerned about Covid? Anxious about attending cons? You are not alone! Come meet other Covid-conscious furs, get up to speed on the most effective ways we can protect each other, and grab some free N95 masksโ€”so we can help make the fandom safer and more inclusive.


  • Giveaway
  • Presentation on masks, tests, and other safety measures you can apply while at a con, as well as how to help others feel safe and included
  • Q&A, discussion, and mingling. Get your questions answered, share your own stories about coping with Covid, and chat with other Covid-conscious furs.


I’ll have an assortment of high-quality N95 masks. Grab a few different ones and find your perfect fit!

I will also have a limited number of at-home tests. Please feel free to take one if you need it, but note that it’s not as easy for me to get tests as it is to get masks. If you have health insurance, you are eligible to get 8 free or reimbursed at-home tests per month from a pharmacy. If you have extra tests, please share!

If you can’t make it to the panel but still want to grab some masks or tests, message me and we can meet up somewhere.

Action items

Stay connected by joining our Telegram chat!

Test yourself, ideally multiple times, starting from the beginning of the con until a few days after. Share your test results on Twitter using the hashtag #BLFC2023CovidTest!

Grab some free at-home tests from a pharmacy and share them with your friends!