Art of Yatchi by ScoutPawfoot

My name is yatchi (he/him). I've been maintaining a high level of caution ever since the start of the pandemic in 2020, but as restrictions began lifting and masks began coming off—in spite of Covid only becoming more entrenched—I found myself feeling increasingly alone and isolated. I despaired that I would have to choose between protecting my health or being able to participate in the fandom I love.

But as conventions returned, I continued to see furs talking about Covid issues online, especially those who worked in science, and I discovered furries organizing events that prioritized Covid safety. I came to realize that I wasn't as alone as I thought: there are a ton of furs who still care and are willing to learn and help each other stay safe. All we'd have to do is connect with each other, so that's why I started Covid Safe Furs.

Events I have attended since the beginning of the pandemic include Stratosfur (Houston), Tail (Long Beach), UwU (Los Angeles), MAW (Arcadia), GSFC (Los Angeles), LVFC (Las Vegas), BLFC (Reno), and ANW (Seattle). Apart from hosting the Covid Safe Furs panel, I've also performed as a DJ at many of these!

An extra special shout-out goes to GBFM and MSFM (LA/OC), who began organizing vaccine-required outdoor meets in 2022—I'm so glad to have met everyone there.

The art of me is by my fellow hyena Scout Pawfoot!